Sunday, 4 November 2012

Hitman: Return To Form

Hey guys,

I just wanted to write this to explain why and the purpose behind doing the Hitman games again. From back to front, with commentary, and planning the missions before-hand.

First off, I wanted to do these games because, well, I miss them. I loved playing these games and still do and would like to share my experiences with you. The reason is that even though you may have watched walkthroughs before, these are going to be a little different. As I will explain.
The reason that I am doing them from Blood Money BACK to Agent 47 is that because, I want to show the latest first as more people will be familiar with them, and also its an interesting take on the storyline, think Pulp Fiction...actually don't thats not a good example. I swear it makes sense!

Also the reason I am doing them with commentary is that well, not many walkthroughs of Hitman I have seen DO commentary, and I would like to be able to talk through them about the game, updates etc. And lastly, the reason I am planning the missions before-hand is that, well, YOU the viewer can help me decide a plan of action! You can come on this blog or post a comment on the previous video with an idea on how to take the target out. I will be looking for the most creative and least done way! It may take time to do, but it will be so much more interesting than speeding through (Although I may have to speed the video up if its a lot of waiting) this will immerse you more in the game and hopefully give you pride when I decide to do your way! Although I may do multiple videos of the different ways or if there are multiple targets then there would be multiple plans. I will update and plan on the blog itself.

Hope you guys enjoy this series!

The Playlist:



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