Monday, 5 November 2012

Skyrim: Dragonborn News

Hey guys!

Heres just a quick news update about Skyrim! After the release of Dawnguard and Hearthfire, the guys at Bethseda are now releasing a new DLC! Dragonborn!

The setting of Dragonborn swaps Skyrim for Solsthiem which was also the setting for Bloodmoon, and follows the dragonborn as ventures forth looking for a former Dragon Priest who did not serve the dragons, but instead devoured them. In the trailer we can see many different powers being displayed, some sort of magical armour with the outline of a dragon, a new type of armour that looks like a new and improved dragon armour. We also see different enemy types such as what appears to be goblins who can be mounted on their own beasts. And we also see the ability to fly dragons! And also a new type of giant who seems to spit some sort of tar/black acid looking liquid. At the end of the video we see a dead dragons soul being absorbed, by the dragon priest. The ORIGINAL dragonborn. Yes that's right, the first dragonborn, was a dragon priest.

In my opinion this will be the best thing that has happened to Skyrim since, well, Skyrim. It will add vast amounts of enemies, a new land to explore, a look into some of the Lore of Skyrim and also bring us some new bad ass abilities.




Heres the link below! Enjoy!;DragonbornTrailerSkyrim;DragonbornTrailerSkyr

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